The Trinsic API C# library provides convenient access to the Trinsic API from applications written in C#

Trinsic API C# Library

Build Status

The Trinsic API C# library provides convenient access to the Trinsic API from applications written in C#.


See the Trinsic docs for more detailed information on how to start integrating with our identity acceptance network.


Via the NuGet Package Manager

nuget install Trinsic.Api

Via the .NET Core Command Line Tools

dotnet add package Trinsic.Api


The package needs to be configured with your app's access token, which is
available in the Trinsic Dashboard.

var configuration = new Configuration { AccessToken = "your-access-token" };

var attachments = new AttachmentsApi(configuration);
var network = new NetworkApi(configuration);
var sessions = new SessionsApi(configuration);

You can find a full C# example in the samples folder.

SDK Versioning

Our SDKs follow the Semantic Versioning ("SemVer") scheme.

For example, the version number 1.13.0 has a major version of 1, a minor version of 13, and a patch version of 0.

Breaking changes are only introduced alongside a new major version.


Any issues, inquiries, and feature requests can be sent to [email protected], or feel free to open a GitHub issue here.

More Information