The Trinsic API TypeScript library provides convenient access to the Trinsic API from applications written in server-side JavaScript/TypeScript.
Trinsic API TypeScript Library
The Trinsic API TypeScript library provides convenient access to the Trinsic API from applications written in server-side JavaScript/TypeScript.
See the Trinsic docs for more detailed information on how to start integrating with our identity acceptance network.
Install the package with:
npm install @trinsic/api
The package needs to be configured with your app's access token, which is
available in the Trinsic Dashboard.
import { AttachmentsApi, Configuration, NetworkApi, SessionsApi } from "@trinsic/api";
const config = new Configuration({ accessToken: "your-access-token" });
const attachments = new AttachmentsApi(config);
const network = new NetworkApi(config);
const sessions = new SessionsApi(config);
const session = await sessionsApi.createSession();
You can find a full TypeScript server example in the samples folder.
SDK Versioning
Our SDKs follow the Semantic Versioning ("SemVer") scheme.
For example, the version number 1.13.0
has a major version of 1
, a minor version of 13
, and a patch version of 0
Breaking changes are only introduced alongside a new major version.
Any issues, inquiries, and feature requests can be sent to, or feel free to open a GitHub issue here.