The Trinsic Expo UI Library provides ways to launch verification sessions directly from your Expo application.

Trinsic Expo UI Library

Build Status

The Trinsic Expo UI Library provides ways to launch verification sessions directly from your Expo application.

This library must be paired with an api library as part of a full integration.

Currently, only iOS and Android are supported.


See the Trinsic docs for more detailed information on how to start integrating with our identity acceptance network.


Install the package with:

npm install @trinsic/expo-ui


1. Configure your application

Inside your app.json configuration file, configure the scheme property, as well as the ios.bundleIdentifier and android.package properties.

2. Launch the session and receive the results.

Import the Trinsic launchSession method:

import { launchSession, LaunchSessionResult } from '@trinsic/expo-ui

Call this method with the launch url you've retrieved from a trusted backend that can securely reach out to Trinsic's servers. See our API libraries..

const result: LaunchSessionResult = await launchSession(launchUrl, {
  callbackPath: "/",

SDK Versioning

Our SDKs follow the Semantic Versioning ("SemVer") scheme.

For example, the version number 1.13.0 has a major version of 1, a minor version of 13, and a patch version of 0.

Breaking changes are only introduced alongside a new major version.


Any issues, inquiries, and feature requests can be sent to [email protected], or feel free to open a GitHub issue here.

More Information