
Tokens and Applications

Authentication tokens are tied to Applications, which are themselves tied to your organization in the Dashboard.

Every Application has its own authentication token, which cannot create or interact with Sessions tied to any other Applications.

Find Your Token

To find the authentication token for a particular Application:

  1. Sign into the Dashboard using the email address provided during your onboarding.
  2. Select the desired application in the top navigation bar.
  3. Go to the Settings page and locate your auth token.
  4. Click on the auth token preview to copy it to your clipboard.

Your Auth Token

Use Your Token

Once you have your app's authentication token, you can begin making requests to the Trinsic API.

With an SDK


Using a backend stack we don't have an SDK for?

Please let us know! We may be able to build an SDK for your stack upon request.

The recommended way to use the Trinsic API is with one of our backend API SDKs.

Specific setup and usage instructions are available for each language.


If you opt not to use one of our backend API SDKs, you will need to provide the authentication token with every HTTP request you make to our API.

To do so, provide the Authorization header using the Bearer scheme as follows (do not include the { or } characters):

Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_TOKEN}

Secure Your Token

Authentication tokens must be well-protected and only used in your secure backend.

Never commit your authentication token into version control, expose it to your frontend, or in any other way allow it to be compromised.

Keep it secret; keep it safe.