Key Concepts


When signing up for Trinsic you sign up as a team, generally encompassing the organization you work for. This team can have multiple users (as administrators or members) that can configure applications, and has 1 or more applications.


An application is a unique, branded deployment of Trinsic's verification product. Each application has an auth token, a logo and a brand name. Digital ID providers are also enabled per-application (this can be further adjusted on-the-fly using our API for specific use cases).


A session is a unique instance of sending a user through a Trinsic verification. You'll want to create a unique session per user verification. A session generates a launch URL which should be used only once.

A session can directly launch an individual provider, or show a UI to allow the user to select between providers.

ID Provider

An individual identity provider, e.g. an application or network that has users verified or can easily verify users. For a full list of ID Providers, see the list in the menu to the left.

Launch URL

A URL containing a token and session id to launch a verification session with.

Resource access keys

We send you resource access keys for getting access to files (such as images) or the result of a session. Because we take security and privacy very seriously, our platform & all user data is end-to-end encrypted and can only be accessed using individual, user, and relying party scoped tokens. You can treat these as disposable, single use auth tokens for specific resources.


When using document scanning through Trinsic's full UI identity verification platform we allow users to optionally encrypt the results of their document scans with end-to-end managed encryption keys using passkeys. The user will be prompted to generate and encrypt their result with a passkey using the OS's native dialogs to trigger this, and when returning will be prompted to present their passkey for decryption. You can read more about this on our Security documentation.

Network & Recommendation

Trinsic's network and recommendation APIs allow you to fine tune your user's flow allowing you to serve your users the providers they are known to, or very likely, have an identity with. A user can be in our network via their encrypted document scan, can be known to have completed a flow through a provider, or is likely to have one because of their location or nationality.

Redaction & Data Management

Trinsic's API and dashboard allow you to configure the time when all personal data is redacted from a session. You can read more about this on our Security documentation.