CPF (Brazil)

The CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) in Brazil serves as a unique taxpayer identification number and is increasingly used as a foundational element for digital identity, enabling access to government services and secure authentication in online platforms.


  • Type: eID (database)
  • URL: https://www.gov.br/pt-br
  • Approximate Adoption: 180,000,000 users
  • Adoption Source:
  • Geography: Brazil
  • Continent: South America
  • Level of Assurance: Up to LOA 2 (Substantial)

Integration with Trinsic

CPF verification is integrated into Trinsic's identity acceptance network allowing businesses to verify users against the government system of record in Brazil.

  • Data Attributes: fullName, dateOfBirth, idNumber
  • Permission required: Yes, this method requires registration before you can activate it for your users. Please contact Trinsic to begin this process.
  • Cost: Contact the Trinsic team.

User Flow

Trinsic offers a fetch service where the user provides their CPF number and grants consent, then our service responds with a set of verified attributes.