Mexico CURP Fetch

The Clave Única de Registro de Población (CURP) is Mexico’s national identification number used to uniquely identify individuals residing in the country, including both Mexican citizens and foreign residents. It is an 18-character alphanumeric code assigned to each person and is designed to avoid duplicate records in government databases. The CURP is used across a wide range of official and legal processes, such as accessing healthcare, enrolling in school, paying taxes, and applying for government services.


  • Type: eID (database)
  • URL:
  • Approximate Adoption: 130,000,000 users
  • Geography: Mexico
  • Continent: North America
  • Level of Assurance: Up to LOA 1 (Low)

Integration with Trinsic

CURP verification is integrated into Trinsic's identity acceptance network allowing businesses to verify users against the government system of record in Mexico.

User Flow

Trinsic offers a fetch service where the user provides their CURP number and grants consent, then our service responds with a set of verified attributes.