Digital CNH (Brazil)
The Digital CNH (Carteira Nacional de Habilitação) is the digital version of Brazil's official driver's license, serving as both a legal permit to drive and a widely accepted identification document.
- Type: eID (app)
- URL:
- Approximate Adoption: 83,000,000 users
- Adoption Source: local source
- Geography: Brazil
- Continent: South America
- Level of Assurance: Up to LOA 2 (Substantial)
Integration with Trinsic
CNH verification is integrated into Trinsic's identity acceptance network allowing businesses to verify users against the government system of record in Brazil.
- Data Attributes: fullName, dateOfBirth, city, subdivision (state, province, etc.), country, idNumber, issueDate, expirationDate
- Permission required: Yes, this method requires registration before you can activate it for your users. Please contact Trinsic to begin this process.
- Cost: Contact the Trinsic team.
User Flow
Trinsic allows a user to upload their digital CNH as an image or PDF and have it verified against the government database. Customers can either utilize Trinsic's UI allowing a user to select a file to upload, or they can send a base64 encoded PDF or image along with the user's CPF number to Trinsic's API. In either scenario, Trinsic's service returns the attributes listed above along with a validation from the government that the ID is still valid.
To see a live demo of this flow, watch this video.
Updated about 3 hours ago