Hosted Provider Session


This document provides a quick guide on how to integrate Trinsic using the Create Hosted Provider Session API.

In this mode, your product manages the process of guiding the user through Identity Provider selection. Once the user has selected a provider, Trinsic takes over the user experience, using our hosted UI to handle any complex interaction requirements.


To integrate, you will need a secure backend (from which you will make API calls) and a frontend (website or mobile app).

1. List applicable providers

Display a list of identity providers to the user, prompting them to select one.

You can use the Recommend Providers endpoint to recommend the most applicable providers to your user. We will search our network and -- using signals such as region, phone number and your app settings -- recommend a list of relevant providers.

Alternatively, you can use the List Identity Providers endpoint to simply list all providers.

Both endpoints return a logo and name; these must be shown exactly as provided to conform with brand requirements.

2. Create a Session

Once the user has selected an identity provider, call the Create Hosted Provider Session method from your backend using an API SDK.

The response to this call will include a sessionId and a launchUrl.

Save the sessionId somewhere in your database; send the launchUrl to your frontend (web / mobile app).

3. Launch Session on Frontend

Once your frontend has received the launchUrl from your backend, it must be launched.

On Web

Navigate the user's browser to the given launchUrl. This can be a top-level navigation, a new tab or window, or a popup.

On Mobile

Use one of our Mobile SDKs to launch the Session, passing it the launchUrl.

4. Capture User Redirect

When the user has completed the Session, they will be redirected back to your specified redirectUrl, with added query parameters resultsAccessKey and sessionId.

The resultsAccessKey must be sent to your backend in order to fetch the final Session results.

5. Retrieve Session Results



The resultsAccessKey is required in order to retrieve sensitive identity data from a Session.

Once your frontend has sent the resultsAccessKey to your backend, call the Get Session Results API to retrieve the results.

6. (Optional) Redact Session

Trinsic automatically redacts all Sessions after a specified redaction period, which can be configured on a per-Application basis in the Dashboard .

If you would like to redact a Session's identity data before the specified redaction period, call the Redact Session endpoint from your backend.

We recommend that you redact Sessions immediately after consumption of their results.